Horror on Bloor

I had interviewed a peer of mine and asked them what was the most memorable story in our neighbourhood. They said it was when our complex had caught on fire. It all started with a very late night. They were packing as they were getting ready to go to their cottage. It began to smell smokey as the breeze came through their room window and it only got stronger and stronger. They told their sister to come look outside with them and before their eyes it was just a huge fire. They ran inside to tell their parents and they all rushed back outside. So many sirens were going off as fire trucks and police raced into the complex. Everyone had to evacuate their houses and other residents had to bang on peoples door as the fire spread quickly to 10 houses. Miway buses had to keep the residents in the buses as the firefighter put out the fire. Some residents ended up going to the local shelter so they could have somewhere to sleep for the night. The cause of the fire was unknown according to the police but there were rumours going around that there was a disturbance between 2 families and one set fire to the other's house. The fire officially went out around 6am where 2 firefighters were injured but all residents were safe. Those 10 townhouses have been destroyed and haven't been rebuilt till this day.


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